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Website Admin


New Website Launch

Official website launch

We are proud to announce the launch of our official website. The website was designed to be faster, easier to surf, improved security, and more user-friendly. We welcome visitors with featured content focused on our work and team news. Our current and prospective followers will find updated and detailed information about our work as a charity.

It looks fantastic! We now have an online presencešŸ‘, where you can pre-schedule your donations, find teasers of upcoming events, news and so much more. Please take a look and share with your friends!

Don't hesitate to give your feedback

Whilst it may not be perfect, weā€™re still working on it. The site will be getting new features over the next few months, as we look to expand our actions range, and services further. If you have a feedback or any questions, please be sure to reach out to our team!

Spread the word

help us share the word and help as many persons as we can.

Call to Donations

provide help for people in need by making a donation now.

Volunteers needed

Becaume a volunteer with sawaed association charity

Have a question ?

we want your opinion, Contact us for any question or feedback.