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association sawaed charity, your partner in charity work

We at Sawaed Charity Moroccan Association aim to change the traditional way of charity organisation, we came up with new methodologies to expand the circle of effect of each action we are making, we are empowering socio-economic development to lift people out of poverty and to better their life conditions.

we put Hand In Hand to success 100%
Consistency in doing good deeds 100%
Working to Goals Achieved 100%

Our Commitment is making difference

Sawaed Charity Moroccan Association is a new charity foundation in establishement but experienced in charity work with the goal of saving and transforming the lives of some of the morocco’s most vulnerable people.

We do our best to fulfill our goals. join us and be part of our success

Team Members

Sawaed Charity Moroccan Association

Caring for the health of other is an important key in our commitment towards our society, there for we are calling out for medical specialist to join us and provide help to persons in need.

help is not always about money, there are many ways one can make a difference, as simple as offering time to take care of them.

no amount is considered little for the sake of helping others, anyone of us gives what he can to help others in need.

solidarity towards our brothers is a must, we should take care of the vulnerable class of our society and help the make their lifes better.